Friday, December 12, 2014

Testimony Revealed

If we keep our deepest moments- deepest pain, deepest shame- to ourselves, it is not yet part of our testimony for God. I have begun sharing some of my hidden moments with people and find that it brings me joy. Joy, because, in it all God's light shines through. It's not about what I do or what happens to me in life... It IS about what God does THROUGH what happens to me. Sometimes things just "happen"... And sometimes things happen as natural consequences because of our decisions. God can use every experience- positive and negative- for His Glory. 
Where is He calling you to let go of your pride, your pain, your sadness, your shame... And embrace Him... And make a difference for His kingdom through your Witness of how God can take a broken vessel and bring it new life. 
Ask God to show you opportunities to share your testimony... Your witness... To His Greatness. It may be to just one person who needs to hear your story... Maybe a few... Maybe more. Pray for His perfect timing. Pray for the lives that will someday be touched with your witness. And thank Him, for bringing beauty from ashes. 
God. Loves. You. That's the truth, even when you don't "feel" like it's true.

Heavenly Father, thank you that you love us despite our painful past, our imperfect present and flawed future. Thank you for sending Jesus to be the sacrifice for our sins. Thank you for your loving mercy, your forgiveness in our brokenness, and your Holy Spirit to guide us in Your ways. Help me to be a better example of your love and forgiveness. Help me to trust in Your will for my testimony. Help me to kick the shame and guilt out the door and welcome in your healing. And may Your name be glorified through my life. May my openness lead others to do the same. May we all chose to walk more and more in your ways and may we encourage others to do the same. Amen. 

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